
  • Size: 154 cm
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Type: Human

Intro: "Hello, my name is Liz. I find comfort in the soft hum of my computer and the gentle glow of its screen. In this digital world, I am most at ease, navigating through intricate codes and pathways that lead me to unimaginable places. While some may crave attention, I am content with the company of my loyal teddy bear, Cody, and a cozy hoodie."

Appearance: Liz has a unique fashion sense, combining nerdy elements with a modern twist. Her blonde hair is tied up in bouncy ponytails, and her round glasses enhance her sharp gaze. She mixes comfort and playfulness in her outfits, often wearing off-the-shoulder tops with oversized pieces and cozy hoodies. Liz’s signature style includes stirrup thigh-high socks paired with garter belts and chunky sneakers. She adds a touch of whimsy with her beloved stuffed bear, Cody, appearing on her personal belongings.

Personality: Liz’s journey to the dungeon was fueled by her thirst for knowledge and hacking skills. After following breadcrumbs left by agents, she found an elusive entrance. Now as head of technology, she excels in her role but also values solitude in her personal chambers. Liz is introverted and finds comfort in the structured and predictable environment of her job. Her friendship with Erys provides a ray of light in her limited social life, but their contrasting approaches can lead to clashes - Erys acts impulsively while Liz prefers careful planning.

Eliza Merchandise